Ralph Epperson is an historian, author, and lecturer who has been researching the CONSPIRATORIAL VIEW OF HISTORY (the view that the major events of the past have been planned years in advance by a central conspiracy) for 50 years. He has written or produced four "best selling" books entitled THE UNSEEN HAND, THE NEW WORLD ORDER, MASONRY: CONSPIRACY AGAINST CHRISTIANITY, JESSE JAMES, UNITED STATES SENATOR, six booklets, and 15 DVDs. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona, but freely admits that what he has learned since graduation has taught him that most of what he learned in college in History and Political Science simply is not true. He proudly states that his research has proven to him that there has been an active conspiracy in the world planning major wars, depressions, and inflations years in advance. Many of
those who have read his material and viewed his DVDs state that they
are the best in the market on this subject. If you want to know how
this conspiracy has operated in the world from one of the best
researchers into the REALITY of this conspiracy, from one of the best
teachers and writers, you will want to obtain some or all of his
Publius Press would like to recommend 6 items in this catalog for you to consider as being the essence of Ralph Epperson's works. We would like to suggest that you purchase them as a package, and read them or view them in this order:
for additional
free catalogs or This page contains reviews of material available through PUBLIUS PRESS. The index below will assist you in viewing the review that interests you.
Quantity Discounts -- Order Form -- eMail BILL CLINTON SUPPORTS IT! The economic problems facing America (as of April, 2012) are the result of A BAILOUT planned in at least 1999 by President Bill Clinton, ........ and that is according to the NEW YORK TIMES newspaper! (Of course, the TIMES didn't call it a CONSPIRACY!!!) In other words, this event was planned just like THE STOCK MARKET COLLAPSE OF 1929, and for the exact same reason: THEY NEEDED A CRISIS TO FURTHER DESTROY THE FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM and hasten the 'NOVUS ORDO SECLORUS" (the NEW WORLD ORDER as evidenced on the back of the American Dollar Bill.) Some believed that Barack Obama was "discovered" at COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY by ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, a professor of his during Obama's two year stay at that university. Brzezinski is a SELF PROFESSED MARXIST COMMUNIST (please read his book entitled BETWEEN TWO AGES, published in 1970 wherein he PRAISES MARXIST COMMUNISM at least THIRTEEN times!) (For contrast, I have NEVER PRAISED IT in 45 years!) I have reduced many of the prices in this catalog (in May, 2010) to assist the American who is finding it difficult to earn enough to pay his bills. I am hopeful that this will assist in further proving that THE CONSPIRACY IS REAL ........ AND THAT THEY PLANNED THIS EVENT!
BILL CLINTON SUPPORTS IT! On July 14, 1992, during his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention, then candidate Bill Clinton told the American people that he knew there was an "international network" at work in the world, and that "he had no aversion to it." He said that he owed his start in politics to a professor that he had at Georgetown University named Carroll Quigley. Professor Quigley wrote a 1348 page book entitled TRAGEDY AND HOPE while Clinton was a student there (1966) in which he said:
Quigley tells the reader how this network plans wars years in advance. This booklet or video provides the evidence that Bill Clinton learned his lessons well from the Professor and therefore believes the same thing. HE TOO HAS NO AVERSION TO IT!
The day is November 22, 1963. The place is Dallas, Texas. President John Kennedy has come to the city and will be appearing in a motorcade through the streets of the city. He will be seated in an open air limousine, driven by a Secret Service agent. A spectator named Abraham Zapruder goes to the park near where the President's car will be driven, and records the entire scene in his motion picture camera. YOU
# 8: a 2 hour DVD $12.00 ($10. + $2. postage)
back to index GOD EXISTS! THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION! The Humanists, those who believe in the Humanist religion, tells us that they find "insufficient evidence for a belief in the existence of a supernatural [meaning a God]". They also proudly boast that "the time has passed for theism [a belief in a God]". John Dewey, "the father of progressive education," America's leading figure in public education, and a believer in the Humanist religion, wrote "There is no God, and there is no soul." Yet the Humanists and John Dewey are dramatically wrong! You can know with scientific certainty that there is a God, and that there is no other option but a knowledge that He is real! A belief in God can now be based upon science, logic and reason! This booklet will prove that even to the most skeptical atheist! The booklet asks the reader THREE QUESTIONS, and by your own answers, you will know that ...
THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION! # 22: a 26 page booklet $8.00 ($6.+ $2. postage)
conspiracy and cover up President John Kennedy was not only murdered by a massive conspiracy that was many years in the planning, but there has also been a huge cover-up of that fact for nearly 30 years afterward. This lecture will discuss the evidence that
# 12: a 2 hour DVD $12.00 ($10. + $2. postage)
America's Betrayal and Treason The War in Vietnam officially ended in 1973, but few Americans know why it was fought. Finally, someone makes sense out of this brutal war. The lecture will discuss:
America's Betrayal and Treason
Finally, someone totally connects the assassination of President John Kennedy to the War in Vietnam! The recent movie "JFK" was right in its claims that the President was killed because he wanted to end the war in Vietnam before it started. But the movie was wrong in its conclusion that it was "the military-industrial complex" that wanted the President dead. The truth is that there is no such thing! Ralph Epperson was one of the first to connect the assassination to the war in Vietnam, BUT HE WAS THE FIRST TO IDENTIFY THE REAL REASON THE PRESIDENT WAS MURDERED: DRUGS! NOTE:
and the NEW WORLD ORDER The Great Seal of the United States, with all of its symbols and Latin phrases, has been reproduced on the back of the dollar bill. Yet few in America know what these things mean. It is a reasonable question to ask why this is so since the Seal was adopted by the Congress over two hundred years ago, in 1782. The key to understanding all of the phrases and symbols lies in the words "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM," found under the pyramid in the Seal shown on the left side of the dollar bill. This lecture will explain what all of these symbols mean. Ralph Epperson will discuss how a SECRET SOCIETY, still active in America today, placed those symbols in the Great Seal. You will then understand WHY THESE EXPLANATIONS HAVE NOT BEEN PROVIDED TO YOU.
$10 A GALLON GASOLINE Ralph Epperson will present the evidence that the FEDERAL GOVERN-MENT and "THE SEVEN SISTERS" (the seven largest oil companies in the world) have colluded on SHUTTING DOWN AMERICA'S OIL RE-SERVES, thereby forcing America to seek FOREIGN OIL, for it's gasoline needs. Did you know that: * * OPEC (The Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries) * * He will also discuss THE REASONS that gasoline
could rise to $10 a gallon $10 A GALLON GASOLINE THE BOGUS JEWISH CONSPIRACY There are many people today who believe that there is a conspiracy at work in the world, and that it is LED BY THE JEWS. Historian and writer Ralph Epperson has discovered that those who believe this are DRAMATICALLY WRONG! He has been researching THE CONSPIRATORIAL VIEW OF HISTORY for over 45 years that traces it's ancestry back to the Egyptians. That means IT PREDATES THE JEWS! He has recently discovered that this 6000 YEAR OLD
their headquarters are in the nation known as TIBET! THE BOGUS JEWISH CONSPIRACY 27 hours of THE UNSEEN HAND In 1987 and 1988, Ralph Epperson and a crew of seven volunteers produced 27 one hour television programs for a series he called SECRETS OF HISTORY. This series was primarily based upon the material found in his book entitled THE UNSEEN HAND, and was shown for some three years on the Tucson Community Cable station. Many of those who have watched this series have commented that for a bunch of "amateurs", this series was pretty well done. Mr. Epperson takes the viewer through over 200 years of American history, by showing how a conspiracy planned the American Revolution, the War of 1812, The Civil War, World Wars I and II, Korea and Vietnam, among other things. If you want to learn about the Conspiratorial View of History from one of the theory's great teachers, this series is for you.
# 15: 27 hours (five DVD's) $27.00 ($23.+ $4. postage) An Introduction To The Conspiratorial View of History This is the carefully researched and documented book by historian A. Ralph Epperson. First published in 1985, it has now been reprinted 15 times, and is being published in five European countries. This book, a must read for those who wish to know why major events of the past have occurred, has been called "quite possibly the finest book ever written on this subject." Readers have praised Mr. Epperson's writing style, claiming that it is extremely easy to read for such a controversial and hard to explain subject matter. He first wrote the book as a textbook for his Community College classes. He has chapters on:
# 1: a 488 page book $13 ($11. + $2. postage)
The book The world has been hearing George Bush (a Capitalist), Fidel Castro (a Communist) and Mikhail Gorbachev (now a "Social Democrat") talk about creating a "NEW WORLD ORDER." Adolf Hitler fought World War II to create a "NEW WORLD ORDER." And 50,000,000 people died because Adolf Hitler wanted the same thing that George Bush, Fidel Castro and Mikhail Gorbachev want. But few in America know what the phrase means! Ralph Epperson's book will tell you what it means and how it is connected to the "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" (translated to THE NEW WORLD ORDER) on the back of the American dollar bill. This book was written to serve as a warning to the American people because they would not select the NEW WORLD ORDER if they knew what it was. This book will be very disturbing to the reader. But it is better to be forewarned.
the function of government Ask a candidate for public office this question: WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT? and stand back to be amazed: Most won't know how to answer you! The question is simple and it can be answered in one short sentence, but in 30 years of asking maybe 50 candidates, Ralph Epperson has found only one who knew the right answer! Yet they wanted to be trusted with THE POWER OF GOVERNMENT! The booklet will carefully analyze GOVERNMENT and why PEOPLE CREATE IT. Then Ralph Epperson will lead you through a discussion of the various forms of Government, and why this nation's FOUNDING FATHERS hated DEMOCRACY! Included in the booklet will be a study of various forms of economic terms such as SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, and the FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM. If I asked you after you read this booklet: What type of economic and political system do we have in America, your correct answer would be A FASCIST OLIGARCHY!
For over 50 years, ever since the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to end World War II, the world has been caught up in a fear of a nuclear war. But historian, lecturer and researcher Ralph Epperson has discovered that that this THREAT OF A NUCLEAR WAR is A FRAUD, and that the only nation with NUCLEAR WEAPONS is the United States. That means this threat is imaginary, that a great ACT OF DECEPTION has been pulled off on the people of the world. One of the evidences is the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (the INF Treaty) signed in 1989 by Pres. Ronald Reagan and Russian Premier Mikhael Gorbachev. The Treaty "ELIMINATES" WARHEADS AND MISSILES WITHOUT EITHER NATION BEING ALLOWED TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE that warheads and missiles have been ELIMINATED! You will be stunned at the other evidence that Mr. Epperson has accumulated in this four hour DVD! And YOU WILL BELIEVE after you complete your viewing of the material! ONLY THE U.S. HAS NUKES! The American Constitution has been called "the finest document ever written by the mind of men!" The American people have been taught that it was written to restrict the power of government, and to protect their God-given unalienable rights to life, liberty and property. But Ralph Epperson has discovered the evidence that the men who founded this nation were not God-fearing patriots as we have been told, but occultic practitioners of a secret worship on this earth. In fact, he will discuss the evidence that our founding fathers created two separate governments in the Constitution at the same time, and ONE OF THOSE GOVERNMENTS WAS GIVEN ABSOLUTE TYRANNICAL POWER! And that this is the government ruling America today! He will also examine the Great Seal of the United States and its hidden symbols.
U.S. SENATOR The headline of the July 4th 1948 Lawton, Oklahoma newspaper reads: JESSE JAMES IS ALIVE! IN LAWTON History has recorded that Jesse James, this nation's most famous outlaw, was shot to death by Bob Ford on April 3, 1882. So this headline appeared to be false. But it is the truth! The man making that claim was J. Frank Dalton, who said he was the real Jesse James, and that this shooting in 1882 did not happen. He appeared in Lawton in 1948 because he had made a commitment to tell the truth if he ever became 100 years old (he was 100 in 1947.) Ralph Epperson has researched this man's story and has concluded that IT IS TRUE. And he has discovered these startling facts as well: ** Jesse poisoned John Wilkes Booth, JESSE JAMES, U.S. SENATOR
Evidence of Conspiracy and Fraud in the Dating of the Shroud of Turin In 1988, the Catholic Church allowed three scientists from laboratories specializing in "carbon-dating" to obtain pieces of the "Shroud of Turin," which many think was the actual burial shroud of Jesus Christ. TV cameras were rolling when the piece was actually cut from the Shroud in front of the scientists was taken from the room into a smaller room nearby, by the Cardinal of Turin, and two other scientists. These three men disappeared for one half of an hour, and when they returned, they gave the samples to the scientists. Two researchers have found out that the cloth tested by the laboratories did not come from the Shroud but from a relic called "the cope of St. Louis d' Anjou" worn from 1296-1297 A.D. After the substitute "shroud" was dated at around 1350 A.D. by the "carbon dating method," the real Shroud was called a "forgery." But, THE SHROUD IS GENUINE, because the piece of cloth tested by the three laboratories was a garment worn between 1296 and 1297! And these authors produced photographs to prove it!
# 16: 2 hour DVD $12.00 ($10. + $2.00 postage)
Portraits or photographs exist of each of them
giving a secret symbol known as THE LION'S PAW, a symbol that reveals
to the initiates of THE ANCIENT MYSTERY RELIGION known as LUCIFER (also
known as Satan, the devil) WORSHIP that they are fellow believers.
# 24: a 30 page booklet $8.00 ($6. + $2. postage)
Howard Freeman, before he passed away, was perhaps this nation's finest expert on the Constitution of the United States of America. He often gave lectures around the country on the document and on the court cases decided on its provisions. Someone transcribed one of his 1990 speeches from off of an audio tape and made it available on the internet for anyone who wanted it. Ralph Epperson has pulled it off, formatted it, and added his comments, hopefully to add to its impact. It is Mr. Freeman's contention that the Uniform Commercial Code (abbreviated to the U.C.C.) has replaced the Constitution as the "Law of the Land". Mr. Freeman relates the story about how President Franklin Roosevelt called in all of the federal judges in America in 1938, and told them that the nation had been declared "bankrupt" by the international bankers. He told them to try all of their cases under the U.C.C. but that they were to "take silent judicial notice of that fact", meaning that they had to cover their rulings with words that sounded like they came from the Constitution. It is Ralph Epperson's contention that when this happened, it was no "Accident," but the carefully contrived set of circumstances brought on by a conspiracy dating all the way back to 1787 and the "Founding fathers" of America. He ends by telling the reader how he/she can get back to the Constitution in a court of law.
CONSPIRACY AGAINST CHRISTIANITY Bob Dole, Jack Kemp, Barry Goldwater, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, amongst others, all have one thing in common: as members of the Masonic Lodge: THEY TOOK AN OATH TO DESTROY CHRISTIANITY! Their worldwide organization claims to "ordain kings and shape the destinies of worlds", and that is why powerful men such as these have joined it. Now, for the first time ever in their 6,000 year history, someone not a member has discovered that the evidence that this is their goal is from their own literature! Ralph Epperson has read 29 of their books from 12 of their top writers, and he also has found the evidence that their day of destruction had a definite date: January 1, 2000. Mr. Epperson will also explain why THIS EVENT DID NOT TAKE PLACE!
THIS MARRIAGE PLAN WILL WORK! Divorce is increasing inside the United States and Ralph Epperson believes he knows the reason! He will present a SERIES OF MARRIAGE PRINCIPALS that are soundly constructed and if applied, should make any marriage a success. During this 57 minute presentation, he also answers
the following questions: **
What was the technology that started re-educating America in the basic
structuring of the American family? You are urged to be OPEN and to learn these principles and if you adopt them, they will BLESS YOUR MARRIAGE!
RALPH EPPERSON'S books on CONSPIRACY make excellent gifts for any occasion. If you agree with us at Publius Press that there is a CONSPIRACY at work in America, and because of this fact, this nation is in serious trouble, and that the only tool a moral people can resort to in a time of crisis is education, then why not consider giving books and tapes that discuss the evidence that this CONSPIRACY exists to your friends, business associates, relatives, and your Rabbi, Priest or Pastor.
Quantity Discounts -- Order Form to order material -- eMail Ralph Epperson you must print, fill out and send in the order form.
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